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Pasta In My Kitchen


Do you have a thing for pasta?

Not just eating it but you’ve always wanted to learn how to make it…from scratch?

You’ve heard: “There’s nothing like fresh pasta.” You want to know more.

I love to make pasta. I love Italy and most all things Italian. I travel to Italy frequently and cook there.

My older daughter lives in Italy 6 months out of the year so let’s just say, I have an Italian pipeline.


For those of you who can’t get enough pasta, come take a deep dive into pasta making with my home kitchen.

Classes are 3 hours long (from 6pm to 9pm). You will be hands-on for every pasta making step, including dough making, rolling, cutting/shaping, and cooking. (Then, of course, eating and drinking.)

Each pasta making session is limited to 6 people to ensure you receive the best possible instruction.

Click on any picture below to get more information and schedule your class.

We can't wait to make pasta with you!

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